Welcome to Spinner, a entry for Kaylerr's 23141 game jam! 

Play OG at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/633271716/. Go follow me there!


Controls: < > & Mouse

Space in shop to continue

Save with Q and load with E. Make sure to write down the code!

Toggle hard mode: W and start at the same time.


Toggle hard mode by pressing W and the flag at the same time. Be warned, however, that this is not for the faint of heart. With barely any health return, faster moving orbs, and less shield health, it is a big challenge.


This is a recreation (barely) of a game I played 5-6 years ago. I thought that with the theme "infinite rotation", this is perfect for it.



Defend your circle from the practically unstoppable onslaught of attacking circles. Buy upgrades from the shop between rounds, but be careful!

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